SNAP Application

Important Notice:
The name of Food Support changed to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP to align with the federal name for the program. There will be no changes to the program requirements or benefits. The Department of Human Services will gradually implement this name change starting February 1, 2012. The program will be referred to as SNAP on this website effective February 1, 2012.
Online Application
You can now use an online application to apply for SNAP (Food Support). This online application can also be used for Medical Assistance, MinnesotaCare, Child Care Assistance and some other state-sponsored programs. To apply online, go to MN Benefits.
Paper ApplicationIf you prefer a paper application, you can download one below.
You will need to fill out part I and part II of the Combined Application Form. Be sure to read all the information about how to complete the application.
If you want to apply for a health care program (Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare ) or cash assistance (Diversionary Work Program or Minnesota Family Investment Program), you can use this same paper or online application to do so.
When you have completed the paper application, take it to your county or tribal human services agency. If you don't know the address of your county human services office, you can click here to use the Program Directory or click here to find it on the Minnesota Department of Human Services' website. You may also call the Food Support hotline at 1-800-657-3698. For TTY service, call the Minnesota Relay at 711 or 1-800-627-3529.
After turning in your paper or online application, you must have an interview with a county worker before you can get SNAP. The interview does not have to be face-to-face. You can request a phone interview.
Click here to download the Combined Application Form in English.
This paper application is also available in the following other languages:
- Download the application in Spanish (Español) or call 1-888-428-3438
- For Arabic call (800) 358-0377
- Download the application in Hmong (Hmoob) or call 1-888-486-8377
- For Khmer (Cambodian) call (888) 468-3787
- For Lao call (888) 487-8251
- For Oromo (Oromiffaa) call (888) 234-3798.
- Download the application in Russian or call (888) 562-5877
- For Serbo-Croatian (Hrvatski) call (888) 234-3785
- Download the application in Somali or call (888) 547-8829
- Download the application in Vietnamese or call (888) 554-8759
What you may need to apply (verification documents):
- Social Security Numbers only for people in your household who are applying for benefits
For non-citizen applicants, proof of acceptable immigration status only for people in your household who are applying for benefits
Proof of income and check stubs from earned and unearned income, for example, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, pension, SSI, disability, etc.
Proof that you have a job (unless in a special category)
- Proof of expenses such as rent, mortgage, utilities, child care expenses, child and spousal support payments, etc.
- Proof of identity of applicant or authorized representative (driver's license, state ID, passport, etc.)
- Proof of residency in Minnesota (state ID, lease agreement, etc.)
- Seniors (60 and older) and households with person(s) with a disability can also receive a deduction for medical expenses, often resulting in a higher benefit. To receive medical deductions you must provide proper documentation of medical or dental expenses including prescription drug costs, premium payments, medical bills, etc.
Do not send original documents. Make a copy of all proofs that you are including with your application.
Other rules that may affect your eligibility:
Citizenship Requirement: You must be a U.S. citizen or have an acceptable immigration status. There are exceptions to this rule. If you are; under the age of 18, have lived in the U.S. legally for more than 5 years, a refugee, an asylee or over the age of 49 you do NOT need a Social Security Number. Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for SNAP but families can apply for SNAP for those family members that have acceptable immigration status (e.g. children born in the U.S.). You do not have to tell the worker about the immigration status of people that you are not applying for, but you have to tell how many people live with you and how much money they make.
Residency Requirement: You do not need to be a Minnesota resident to apply. However, you must apply in the county you live in.
Other: Seniors and people with disabilities have different eligibility requirements. Click on the link below for more information.
The following families are eligible for SNAP with no income test:
- Families in which at least 1 child in the household is eligible to receive Basic Sliding Fee Child Care and/or the Transition Year Child Care. The family must have applied and been found eligible for the Child Care Assistance Program but can still be on the waiting list.
- Families participating in the Diversionary Work Program (DWP).
- Families composed entirely of people who receive General Assistance (GA), Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA), or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in Minnesota.
The traditional income limit of 130% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines and asset limits of $3,000 for the elderly/disabled persons and $2,000 for other persons will still apply in the following situations:
- A household member has an intentional program violation.
- A household member on SNAP fails to comply with six-month or monthly reporting requirements.
- The Primary Wage Earner (PWE) fails to comply with work requirements.
- A household member on SNAP is convicted of a drug related felony.
For more information on the eligibility requirements or explanations for SNAP, click here.