Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a federal tax credit. It is mostly for low-income working parents, or guardians. If you qualify, you will either pay less on your federal income tax or get a larger tax refund.
Application Information:
You may qualify for free tax return preparation through Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) or AARP Tax-Aide.
These programs help prepare federal and state income tax and property tax refund returns. You can find a VITA or AARP tax preparation site in Minnesota by entering your zip code or address in the search tool. The search tool also provides information about how to find sites where help is available in Spanish, Hmong, Somali, or other languages
You can also call United Way 2-1-1 by dialing 2-1-1 (651-291-0211 for cell phone users).
What to bring to get your taxes prepared:
- A picture identification card such as a driver’s license
- Cards showing Social Security Numbers or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs) for each member of your family. You will also need to know birth dates for each family member.
- Year-end statements showing income received (W-2 or 1099 forms from all jobs or payments)
- Statements that show non-taxable income such as MFIP, SSI and MSA
- Receipts that show school expenses for children in kindergarten through 12th grade such as for pens, pencils, notebooks, folders, musical instruments, music lessons, etc.
- Financial statements showing what was paid or received in grants or loans for students in college, technical schools, or classes to improve job skills.
- Daycare expenses
- Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) if a renter or statements of mortgage interest, real estate and property taxes if a homeowner.
- List of charitable donations
- It is helpful to bring a copy of your last year’s tax return if you have it.
- Proof of citizenship or alien resident card.
Do not send original copies of your documents.