
Transit Assistance Program (TAP)

The Transit Assistance Program (TAP) is designed to make public transit more affordable for low-income residents. Once enrolled, you will have access to $1.00 fares for a year. You can enroll online, through the mail, and in person. For more information on how to enroll, what documentation is approved, where the closest location to apply is, or see a list of FAQs click here

Metro Transit

Get schedule, route and fare information for the bus, the Hiawatha Light Rail, Dial-a-Ride, and Metro Mobility for persons with disabilities. Call 612-341-4287 for recorded departure times for any route, 24 hours a day.

Cars For Neighbors


Anoka County residents can get support in free/low-cost car repair. Call to find out if you qualify.


Community Action Partnership of Ramsey and Washington Counties

Provide car loans for people who qualify through work and residency requirements.