
Ways to Work Loan Program
Ways to Work is a program that provides small loans to low-income parents who cannot get loans elsewhere. All Ways to Work loans are used to help individuals remain in or move forward in their job. Most loans are made for the purchase of modestly priced used vehicles or vehicle repair.

Transit Assistance Program (TAP)

The Transit Assistance Program (TAP) is designed to make public transit more affordable for low-income residents. Once enrolled, you will have access to $1.00 fares for a year. You can enroll online, through the mail, and in person. For more information on how to enroll, what documentation is approved, where the closest location to apply is, or see a list of FAQs click here

Metro Transit

Get schedule, route and fare information for the bus, the Hiawatha Light Rail, Dial-a-Ride, and Metro Mobility for persons with disabilities. Call 612-341-4287 for recorded departure times for any route, 24 hours a day.