Disability Services

952-920-0855 or toll-free 833-450-1494
The Arc of Minnesota is a private, non-profit, statewide organization. The mission of The Arc of Minnesota is to support and advocate for people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities and their families as they choose how they live, learn, work and play. The Arc of Minnesota and local chapters of The Arc provide crucial information for people with developmental disabilities and their families, connect them with resources, and stand with them when they need an advocate.
The Disability 101 website provides all Minnesotans tools to understand how employment, cash benefits, and public programs affect one another so that families/individuals can make informed decisions about your own circumstances. It is recommended that you screen your family first on Bridge to Benefits to determine your potential eligibility for this wide range of programs and then visit the Disability 101 website.
Disability Hub MN (Formerly Disability Linkage Line)
Disability Hub MN is a free, statewide information and referral resource that provides Minnesotans with disabilities and chronic illnesses a single access point for all disability related questions. Disability Hub MN provides service to the entire state from four locations: St. Paul, Rochester, Bemidji and Brainerd. On the website, you can chat with options counselors and read about topics such as work, home, health, and money.
Disability Minnesota
The website provides a single-entry point to over 100 Minnesota state agency programs, products, and services that are devoted to the range of disability issues. It also provides access to laws, statutes, and regulations in pertinent disability-related areas.
Access North
Access North serves residents with disabilities in the counties of Aitkin, Carlton, Cass, Cook, Crow Wing, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake and St. Louis. The comprehensive services offered include advocacy, an independent living skills program, peer/group support, PCA Choice, and employment transition and relocation services. In addition, they offer consumer directed community supports, an assistive technology program and public information about disabilities and /or independent living.