Free Tax Preparation Available

You may qualify for free tax preparation at Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) sites located throughout Minnesota now through April 15, 2020. VITA (including Prepare + Prosper and AARP Tax-Aid programs) have more than 200 sites across Minnesota. You can generally get help at a VITA site if any of the following are true:

·        Your annual income is less than 67,000 

·        You are a person with a disability

·        You speak limilted or no English, or

·        You are age 60 or older

To find a VITA site near you (appointment only or walk-in sites are available) or to find a list of what you need to bring for free tax preparation, visit the Prepare + Prosper website. You may also find information on VITA sites by visiting the Minnesota Department of Revenue, or by calling United Way 2-1-1.